Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I saw something today...

I try very hard not to be a judgemental human.  I believe everyone is on their journey, and it is different from mine.  However, traffic safety laws are one area I cannot overlook. 

Driving.  When I was 16 I could not wait to get my license, and I did so within 1 month of my birthday.  Freedom.  FREEDOM! This thing that makes us all feel so free, wind in our hair, destination unknown, music of choice playing, this freedom has so many laws, rules, and regulations.  These rules are there so we can have this freedom! Imagine that, laws that make us feel free! 

If we did not all follow the same rules driving would result in crashes and deaths, far more than it already does.  We can't all go willy nilly and expect we will all get from a to b safely.  We have to follow the rules. 

When my mom taught me how to drive she started by saying this: "You are operating a deadly weapon."  I hope all parents say this to their kids, but I know they don't.  The weapon won't just hurt you either, if you don't follow the rules you, your passenger or some stranger outside your vehicle could be the fatality. 

So what did I see?  An adult, I don't know if it was the child's parent or not, but and adult with a ~5 year old riding on a motorcycle.  On a motorcycle between the driver's legs, no helmet, on the road. 

Why.  Why would you take this risk?  Any joy this child might receive from doing this can't compare to all the joys he will have the rest of his life.

Please, follow the rules so that we can all safely enjoy this freedom.